Rosa Montero
Rosa Montero ©Asís G. Ayerbe
©Asís G. Ayerbe

Rosa Montero

Madrid, España, 3 de enero de 1951

Rosa Montero was born in Madrid in 1951. She studied Journalism and Psychology and has worked for different media organizations. She currently writes for the newspaper El País. She is the author of the novels Crónica del desamor (1979), Amado amo (1988), Temblor (1990, Seix Barral), La hija del caníbal (1997, Premio Primavera), La loca de la casa (2003, Premio Qué Leer for the best book of the year in Spanish and Premio Grinzane Cavour 2005 for foreign literature), Historia del Rey Transparente (2005, Premio Qué Leer for the best book of the year in Spanish) and Instrucciones para salvar el mundo (2008), among others. Her work has been translated into over twenty languages.