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The Hidden Cry of Berta Lennox
Original title: El grito oculto de Berta Lennox
J. L. Domínguez
Category: Fiction | Thriller & Noir

The Hidden Cry of Berta Lennox

Original title: El grito oculto de Berta Lennox

J. L. Domínguez

Category: Fiction | Thriller & Noir

The new book by J. L. Domínguez following the success of his self-published novel Page Number Thirty-Three.

A cello music, a message written on the wall, a dangerous threat... When Berta becomes a widow of the English diplomat Geoffrey Lennox, she returns to her life in Barcelona after spending many years in various international consulates and embassies. She settles in an apartment in the Sarrià neighborhood and soon meets her downstairs neighbor, Leopoldo Sabaté, an old man who plays the cello at night. One day, Berta stops hearing the relaxing melody, enters her neighbor's apartment, and finds him dead, supposedly from a fall. Ready to call the police, her eyes land on a B engraved on the instrument. Sabaté has left her a message. What if it wasn't an accident? From this moment on, she will become involved in a murder plot that spans parts of the European geography, and Berta will put all her effort into uncovering what lies beneath.

Highlights The Hidden Cry of Berta Lennox


After the unexpected success with the self-publication of his first novel, J. L. Domínguez skillfully and masterfully weaves a story of espionage in the ecclesiastical world, with the captivating character of a grieving woman who decides to investigate on her own.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 352 pages | ISBN: 978-84-233-6468-8 | Imprint: Ediciones Destino